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Zealandia Beef Pâté Wet Cat Food (USA)

Zealandia Brushtail Pâté Wet Cat Food (USA)

Zealandia Chicken Pâté Wet Cat Food (USA)

Zealandia Duck Pâté Wet Cat Food (USA)

Zealandia Goat Pâté Wet Cat Food (USA)

Zealandia Hoki Fish Pâté Wet Cat Food (USA)
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Zealandia Beef Pâté Wet Dog Food (USA)

Zealandia Brushtail Pâté Wet Dog Food (USA)

Zealandia Chicken Pâté Wet Dog Food (USA)

Zealandia Duck Pâté Wet Dog Food (USA)

Zealandia Goat Pâté Wet Dog Food (USA)

Zealandia Hoki Fish Pâté Wet Dog Food (USA)
News & Articles

Vegetable gums and stabilisers in wet pet food
At some point, you've probably glanced at the back of a tin of dog food and thought, what on earth are all those ingredients for, surely dog food doesn't need all that! However, some ingredients that seem unusual or irrelevant to dog food can have important functions. One of those such ingredients is vegetable gums. We look a little closer into what vegetable gums are, and why they are a useful addition to wet food.
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What wet food is best for cats with liver disease?
Liver disease is fairly common in cats. Liver disease in cats can happen on its own, or the liver can be affected by other conditions, such as diabetes. The good news is that the liver is very good at repairing itself! Also, two-thirds of the liver would need to be badly affected for actual liver failure to occur. Appropriate, good quality nutrition plays an important role in the recovery from liver disease, so let’s explore what food is best for cats with liver disease.
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What wet food is best for dogs with kidney disease
One of the most successful treatments for kidney disease in dogs is not medicine or tablets, but the power of targeted nutrition. A diet created specifically for the body's needs to cope with kidney disease can lengthen the amount of time our beloved friends are with us by up to thirteen months. Unfortunately, kidney disease is often progressive, getting worse with time, so the sooner a kidney-focused diet is started, the better, and there is plenty of evidence to support this theory.
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